A dear friend frequently sends me e-mails with encouraging words, forwards newsletters that apply directly to my line of work or encourages me to read blogs by motivating writers. I received such an e-mail this week talking about enthusiasm and its effect on the effort you exert at work and life. This particular article struck me because of the lack of energy I’ve been feeling. My workouts have become arduous and just plain hard. Eating healthy is a top priority but I feel like I have been exerting maximum effort to make the right choices. And my work, which I LOVE, has been sucking the strength right out of me. Perhaps you can relate to some of that. If so, read what Lou Tice, founder of the Pacific Institute, has to say about all that and apply it directly to the areas of your life where you feel drained.
“Did you ever notice that the people with the most enthusiasm are also the ones with the most energy? There is a scientific reason for that.
Neurologists have proven that when you do something with enthusiasm, it takes approximately one-tenth the effort that it takes to do ordinary things. So people who are enthusiastic about their work don't feel dragged out at the end of a long day. Instead, when they stop working, they are likely to feel exhilarated.
You know, the word "enthusiasm" comes from the Latin "to be inspired by God." That's how good it feels. And it doesn't just feel good to you - it feels good to everyone who comes into contact with you, because enthusiasm is contagious. So, it's important to show your enthusiasm when you feel it.”
So live with enthusiasm and live life with energy! Go into your workouts with the attitude that you ARE doing something good for your body, it's important and you will succeed. Choose the right foods with the attitude of eating for energy and life. And recommit to your healthy lifestyle because you only have one body and it's a priority to take care of it!