Thursday, September 26, 2024

On-your-own-time 21-Day Wellness Reset

It's here! The brand-new way to reset your wellness! Increase your energy, decrease your sugar cravings, sleep better and get stronger: that's what the 21 days is all about. Plus, if the online 21-day challenges are at an inconvenient time, you can do the challenge whenever it fits into your life.

Who else would benefit from the solo-style challenge?

  • those that are self-motivated when it comes to food plans and exercise routines
  • those that don't have access to Facebook
  • those that don't want to use social media or are trying to cut back
  • those that want to work at their own pace
  • those that have taken E. H. Fitness Challenges before and feel that they can do it on their own
What's included in the solo-style challenge? 
  • A complete manual of how to do the challenge
  • All the suggested meals
  • All the grocery lists
  • All the recipes (in link form and written out for your convenience)
  • A full body strength training workout
  • FAQ section
  • All in one PDF for easy reference
  • All for $39
How do you get this challenge going? Simply e-mail me at telling me you want to do the solo-style wellness reset!

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