Monday, July 10, 2017

Post weekend 30 minute HIIT workout

I was on girls lake weekend for the past three days and though it was amazing, I'm ready to get back on track. This workout is short but tough and will get the metabolism pumping-whoop!

30 Minute Post Weekend HIIT Workout
30 seconds push ups
10 second break
30 seconds burpees
---repeat 4 times---
30 second sprint (can be done outside, on a treadmill, bike, etc.)
10 second break
---repeat 8 times---
30 second plies pulses
30 second plie jumps
---repeat 4 times---
30 second sprint (can be done outside, on a treadmill, bike, etc.)
10 second break
---repeat 8 times---
30 seconds superman back extensions
30 seconds mountain climbers
---repeat 4 times---


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Some of my favorite summer recipes

Whether you're just trying to eat clean or carb cycling or wanting to feed the kiddos better, these recipes come in awful handy. From muffins to soup-they have always been crowd-pleasers!

Crunchy Roasted Chickpeas (higher carb)

Protein Balls (higher carb)

Peanut Butter Protein Muffins (higher carb)

Egg and Veggie "Tarts" (higher or lower carb depending on what you put in them :) )

Feel Better Chicken Soup (high and low carb days)

Sweet Potato Cranberry Muffins (higher carb)

Roasted Root Veggies (higher carb)

Gazpacho (higher or lower carb days)

Tomato and Peach Salad (higher carb)

Paleo chocolate chip cookie...not my recipe but it is amazing! (higher carb)