Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Spring Break 2024 Workout

The perfect workout (in my opinion) is short, efficient and can be done anywhere at any time without any equipment.

Too much to ask?

No way!

This 20-minute full body workout includes all the large muscle groups as well as that very important muscle called the heart.

With short cardio bursts, strength movements and a quick pace, you can run through the list of exercises on the beach, in your backyard, at your office, at home or anywhere else you find yourself this spring. Plus, no extra equipment needed-just your body!

Here’s the Deal: Do the entire workout 3-5 times depending on time available with little rest as possible. Make sure to stretch or take a walk afterwards!


Here’s the Work:

 Traveling lunges (1 minute)

Tippy birds (1 minute)

Wall sit (1 minute)

----20 jumping jacks---

Pushups (12)

Tricep dips (12)

Single leg bridges (12 each leg)

---10 burpees---

Low squats (12)

Plank (1 minute)

Bicycle crunches (12 each side)

---10 jump squats---