Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!

Looking forward to the Thanksgiving meal but dreading the bloat, possible weight gain and sleepiness afterwards? Follow these simple tips and swap outs and be thankful for a fun filled, guilt-free day of celebration!

  1. Fill up on the good stuff.
·         White meat turkey (15% less calories than it’s dark counterpart)
·         Raw, steamed, grilled or roasted veggies
·         “Lighter” mashed potatoes (make yours with Butterbuds to save a hundred calories and several grams of fat per serving)
·         Gravy…that’s right, I said gravy. It’s only about 80 calories per 2 tbsp and is more than half the calories of the sugary cranberries.
·         Pumpkin Pie (180 calories vs. 250 in apple and up to 700 in pecan!!)
  1. Ditch the bad stuff.
·         Bread…you can eat bread any day…don’t waste your Thanksgiving calories on bread
·         Butter…there is butter in nearly everything on Thanksgiving so give your mashed potatoes the benefit of the doubt (that they taste great) and leave the butter on the table
·         Pass on the green bean casserole…yes, this tasty dish contains veggies, BUT it’s not enough to count this dish as a side vegetable what with all the fried onions and cream. Grab the steamed for fresh veggies instead
  1. Skip the nap.
·         While napping during the game might seem like a good idea, a better idea for increased energy is to go on a brisk, post-feast walk. Not only will you get your blood circulating, heart rate up and thus an avalanche of energy, but you’ll also be burning off some of the pie you just ate!

If you’re the cook in charge on the big day, check out these recipes from the Mayo Clinic for a heart (and waist) healthy version of the food we love to eat!

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