Thursday, October 16, 2014

A quick energy boosting workout

It's beautiful outside, so skip that second (third or fourth) cup of coffee and give your body a long-lasting energy boost while burning calories, building lean muscle and taking time to enjoy the autumn weather.

What you need:

Nothing (but your body)

How much time:

7-28 minutes (you choose how many circuits you do)

What do do:

  • Take a fast walk for 3 minutes. It should be fast enough that you are out of breath (you don't need to be an Olympic speed walker, although impressive, but get your butt moving fast).
  • Drop and do 20 push ups (on your knees, feet, one leg, one arm, whatever, just do 20)
  • 2 minutes of walking lunges
  • 1 minute bicycle crunches

Repeat for up to 4 times. Be sure to stretch out afterwards :)

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