Tuesday, April 12, 2016

ChopChop Whole Food Cleanse: DAY 2

You can't totally tell, but I'm super excited to eat these raisins and nuts! 

So day two...it went fine..I was kinda crabby, but again, not being able to breathe (allergies!!!) and such doesn't make for a happy camper so I can't totally blame it on the cleanse. So here's the skinny:

What I ate:

Yummy salmon skillet
Same deal as yesterday only the salads were a bit different as were the snacks. Bone broth and a smoked salmon "scramble" for breakfast...which I totally ate as a mid-afternoon snack with a tiny drizzle of last night's dressing on it for a bit more flavor. The salmon salad for lunch was yummy and citrus-y. The snacks were some raisins and raw, unsalted nuts and two protein balls. Both were weirdly delicious. The raisins were my favorite...they were so sweet and seemed like a real treat! That sounds kinda sad, I know, but when you have like 26 sweet teeth in your mouth, I'll take what I can get. Then there was a Mediterranean salad for dinner.
How I felt:
I was feeling super tired...like sleepy tired...but that's okay. I think I eat pretty clean, but I do have this chocolate addiction and I love wine, sooooo it could totally be part of cleansing. I also worked out for about 4 hours (deal of my job) and so that could have added to my lethargic-ness. 

What I liked: 
As mentioned before...the raisins and really everything else was pretty yummy...except for....

What I had a hard time with:
The dinner salad dressing. I have loved all of the dressings until this one. I poured half of it on my salad and mixed it all up. Oh man, I wish I hadn't done that. It had something in it that was so bitter that I actually didn't finish the salad and had a small apple and a carrot instead. Sad face for real. 

Overall, still think it's really good. Also, I'm super glad that I am doing it along side a bunch of awesome women so we can encourage each other, give each other ideas, etc. 
The salad that I had to leave behind-wah wahhhh

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