Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cardio and Weight Loss

I have had three people in the past week ask me “what’s the best cardio for weight loss?” Since it’s such a popular question, let’s discuss.

Recent studies have shown that interval training burns more fat and calories than steady state aerobic as well as increases cardiovascular fitness. Interval training is when you alternate bursts of intense movements such as sprinting with more moderate paces like jogging. Interval training can be done while doing practically any cardiovascular workout; biking, running, swimming, working out on the elliptical, you name it. Even more awesome is that interval training is more efficient and can be completed in less time than steady state cardio with the same amount of calorie burn.

Want to try it? Here’s a sample 30-minute interval training workout.
(Please note that the levels of intensity are based on a scale from 1 to 10. Level 1 intensity would be sitting on your couch watching TV whereas Level 10 intensity would be at an all out sprint or your maximum.)

5 minute warm up (Level 3-4)
30 seconds moderate intensity (Level 6)
30 seconds high intensity (Level 8-9)
---repeat 30 second intervals for a total of 8 minutes---
1 minute moderate intensity (Level 6)
1 minute high intensity (Level 8-9)
---repeat 1 minute intervals for a total of 4 minutes---
30 seconds moderate intensity (Level 6)
30 seconds high intensity (Level 8-9)
---repeat 30 second intervals for a total of 8 minutes---
5 minute cool down (Level 3-4)

Something to remember about fat loss/weight loss: a combination of cardio, strength training and diet are all necessary to reach your goals effectively and efficiently.

In good health,



  1. This, in addition to strength training and diet is how Brian and I lost some of our "extra" weight back in 2003. It definitely works!
