Monday, April 11, 2016

ChopChop Whole Foods Cleanse: DAY 1

Breakfast Chicken Scramble

Today was my first day of the ChopChop Whole Food Cleanse...and it was great! Paleofit , a local Kansas City company, offers lots of yummy Paleo food and now they have a whole food cleanse. I decided to try out the three day cleanse: they also offer a 7 and 10 day version. It's pretty sweet because they provide and deliver ALL of your food for the cleanse. You don't have to prepare at all really in regards to shopping and such. Plus, if you eat with your family or friends, you can still eat something-which is a major benefit in my house.

What I ate:
For day one I was given a bone broth and scramble (which is basically another salad) for breakfast, an apple and almond butter for morning snack, a yummy chicken salad deal with kale and mushrooms and such for lunch, a protein bar for afternoon snack and a delicious green salad with a nice piece of salmon for dinner. Since I practice intermitant fasting...yay! I didn't start my eating until noon. I began with my lunch salad...which was really really yummy...then basically ate through the rest of the day ending with dinner at 6. Everything was super yummy.

How I felt:

I felt great...but have to be honest...I was a bit hungry...BUT that is no big's okay to be hungry. I've done many cleanses that don't even let you chew anything at day one of this cleanse was a cakewalk!

What I liked:
Apple and almond butter
The food was great..the packaging was super easy to store and labeled by day so there wasn't any confusion on what I was supposed to eat. I also received an e-mail from Paleofit telling with encouragements for the start of the cleanse and some tips. They also provide an approved food list just in case you are about to eat your arm off (arms are not on the approved list) or if you are super active and need a few more calories to keep conscious.
What I had a hard time with:
Everything was so yummy...espeically the dressings (which were given in a huge amount)...however, the breakfast "scramble" was served dry. Soooo....I think I'll add some of my extra dressing from day 2's salads to it tomorrow. Also, you aren't supposed to have caffeine or alcohol...ahhhhh...I know, right? Soooo...I totally drank black coffee so I wouldn't die of a migraine. I was able to refrain from alcohol, but not super excited about it :) 
How I felt:
I felt actually really good...a bit tired...but that could have been from the long and busy weekend and/or my stupid allergies. I feel like I'm getting my body all of the vitamins and minerals it needs without all the that's awesome!

Until tomorrow....

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